RAUW! hiphop open mic #2 @ Het Depot

63 inzendingen

Deadline 13.12.23

RAUW!, an open mic specifically for hip-hop creatives among us.

RAUW! hiphop open mic #2 @ Het Depot

Gecreëerd door

Het Depot

RAUW! 14/12

Wow wow wow. What a night, definitely one to remember. Crazy to say the least. Key Controversy, GEENDIENST, Maxxoo, LeBlanc and Taal-Bi, you really came through with the vibes. The night ended with some breakdance, keep that energy up for 2024!

Key Controversy

Key Controversy Rapper from Hertsberge, Oostkamp "Tom needs to make it in music, he has no other option if he wants to put his mind to rest."




Staalharde Nederlanstalige hiphop uit de hoofdstad

RAUW! 09/11

Same place, same time, even more energy this time. RAUW! was really one to remember, happy you were there to bring your all. Also thanks to joslymeso, Wise The Child, Frank Jr, J9RR9 and COI for their music. You really brought the vibes to Leuven.


Wise The Child

Frank Jr


RAUW! 12/10

First RAUW! of the season: we couldn't be more ready. Delporteau, Yaye Daro, Broco, Lila Alia, Hope Odiga and All-Turn took over our stage with their beats, lyrics and overall vibes. You really went crazy, huh? See you next time.


Young man in a world he is ready to explore! FINALIST HUMO'S ROCK RALLY 2020