Poppunt’s op 22tracks

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1043 inzendingen

Deadline 01.01.70

Iedere twee weken gooien we een aantal nieuwe in onze eclectische playlist van 22 parels-om-te-ontdekken.

Poppunt’s op 22tracks

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Nieuwe vi.bes in onze 22tracks

Updatetijd! Deze keer zwierden we drie lekker wegrockende bands in onze 22tracks.

Delta Crash

Delta Crash delivers the kind of indie pop and rock we like: a solid base of groove by a classic bass and drum combo, and on top of that some beautiful harmonies provided by guitars and vocals. Not the most original sound, perhaps, but if it results in catchy, quality songs like ‘Fetch The Echoes’, then who’s complaining? No-one, apparently, seeing that this four-piece from Wetteren won third place during the Oost.Best! contest last week.

Abudhabi VZW

The common denominator for Abudhabi VZW, a collective consisting of several musicians who threw their sounds together in one band, seems to be guitar music. Wether it’s classic rock, blues, grunge or indie, the band takes the genre and owns it. The result sounds like the best indie rock from the nineties, with whims of The Sheila Divine, Buffalo Tom, Dinosaur Jr. and Pixies getting through. Quality music with a real song at its core, which recently earned them first place in the Rockvonk contest.


Just two guys, and yet: So. Much. Noise. That’s BLÆGGER for ya. As far as the name’s concerned, we’ve no idea what the hell it means, and we’re not sure they know theirselves. Besides, judging from their Facebook page, we don’t think they take things too serious. Except for the music, that is. In that regard, BLÆGGER is a force to be reckoned with, blending sludgy riffs and math rock licks with powering drums – a formula once perfected by Melvins.


Ugly sangs for groovy people.

Delta Crash

Noodles as arms, gelatine legs, limbs on the run

Abudhabi VZW

Abudhabi VZW is een collectief met muzikanten uit diverse muzikale akkers en cirkelt maar wat graag in een orbit rond genres als Classic Rock, Blues, Indie,...