RAUW! hiphop Open Mic #1 @ Het Depot

71 inzendingen

Deadline 27.04.23

RAUW!, an open mic specifically for hip-hop creatives among us.

RAUW! hiphop Open Mic #1 @ Het Depot

Gecreëerd door

Het Depot


Say what? A brand new concept RAUW! is an open mic specifically for the hip-hop creatives among us. You got some beats and bursting lyrics in your veins that need to splash out?

Het Depot, BURn Leuven, Sarah Bekambo, Fred Gata, Bex and Dj Dysfunkshunal join forces and give you the opportunity to let young hip-hop talent do their thing on our stage. Want to show us what you got? You got 15 minutes to show off your skills.

Now what about the program itself? Our RAUW! nights always take place on the first Thursday of the month:

  • 2 February 2023
  • 2 March 2023
  • 6 April 2023
  • 4 May 2023

Inspire, engage and enthrall our audience with what you got. Get ready to be showered in an evening packed with all things hip-hop. Apply now and see you there!


  • Doelgroep: we zoeken soloartiesten of bands uit Vlaanderen en Brussel
  • Genres: hiphop
  • Gevraagd: basisinfo, e-mail, telefoon, 2 tracks , naam groepsleden, instrument groepsleden, leeftijd groepsleden, geslacht groepsleden en locatie groepsleden