van den Bear

van den Bear

It was the story of a man that sometimes felt like a bear and then sung about it.

    • Post-rock
    • Rock
    • Alternative
    • Indie
    • Band
  • Sint-Gillis


On March 30 van den Bear played a SOLD OUT show @ la Rotonde du Botanique to celebrate the release of their new EP No Plan Survives First Contact

The EP was recorded, mixed and produced by Reinhard Vanbergen (Girls in Hawaii, dEUS, High Hi, School Is Cool,…).

Full of new energies and the Brussels band is very excited to bring to life these new songs that were written for the stage.

The main theme of the EP is the way you can communicate with the person you love in various situations. Either when they are far away (A Conversation with a Twist, Rabbit in the Paint) or when you are trying to be the person they perceive you to be (Colour Me).

A cinematic dimension continues to drive this EP (Fade to Black and A Conversation with a Twist) and the love and inspiration brought by happy loneliness and wide spaces keeps on feeding the atmosphere of the songs (Spectacles).

Hannah De Corte and Tatiana Vanhelmont elevate and lighten the atmosphere of the EP by bringing new texture, contrast and dialogue to the somber side of van den Bear

With a new line up, van den Bear is exploring new horizons and you are invited for the journey. A journey of love, fun, emotion and atmosphere, more powerful than ever; still wanting to lead you astray; still trying to communicate with non bears.

"Deze Brusselse band neemt ons mee op een trip van liefde, plezier en emoties en is het krachtigste dat ze ooit gemaakt hebben".

Luminous Dash

"« No Plan Survives First Contact » se décline en cinq titres particulièrement addictifs. ... les arrangements lumineux de « Fade To Black » et de « Spectacles » ou les atmosphères délicieusement sombres de « Colour Me » n’y sont clairement pas étrangers non plus "

Music In Belgium

"★★★★ S’emballer sur des premiers EP semble être devenu un hobby à plein temps par ici. Mais quand on a une telle densité en 5 morceaux, c’est compliqué de cacher son enthousiasme."

Esprit Critique

"van den Bear, une sonorité qui inspire les grands espaces, la nature, la déconnexion...."

Classic 21

"Songs for a future vacation", the band’s first EP, was written and recorded between Iceland, Brussels and the South of France. It was a collection of songs born in the previous few years during very different life periods.

His second EP "Somewhere the Trains Are On Time" soon to be released continues his exploration of the atmospheres already present on his first EP with some ambiance maybe darker but with a production more assumed.

“...van den Bear komt met een geluid dat gelijk staat aan The National, Radiohead en tal van andere goden.

Opgenomen tussen IJsland en Frankrijk zijn de vijf songs eigenlijk een perfecte staalkaart van wat we graag horen in een band. Soms recht voor de raap en een beetje rauw op andere momenten wat teder en mysterieus, maar telkens zeer laagdrempelig brengt Van Den Bear muziek die veel generaties kan aanspreken."

Luminous Dash




  • Antoine van den Berg

    • 37
    • Brussels (BE)

    Gitaar - Stem

  • Sebastien Peeters

    • 31
    • Brussels (BE)


  • Olivier Delescaille

    • 44
    • Brussels (BE)


  • Kevin Ambrogi

    • 46
    • Brussels (BE)


  • Hannah De Corte

    • 36
    • Brussel, België

    Andere - Stem



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