

Find yourself the stamp clap and jump for the road ahead with Vagabundos, the most sexy party band in Belgium. Funk, Blues, Rock, Reggae, Ska, Gypsy

    • Funk
    • Reggae
    • Blues Rock
    • Band


In the summer of 2014, after touring and discovering the musical vibe of Belgium, the British based musician, Saulo Soneghet, decided to start a new project in Ghent. In the UK, he found the young undiscovered talents, Adam Wilson and Luke ‘Chilli”, who have been touring the streets of Britain for the past year. Together they formed the band Vagabundos, and after a few performances, they decided to adventure themselves into the Genste Feesten 2014. After a few months performing in the area with different musicians, they met the other band members, consolidating the band formation. With incredibly energetic concerts, their popularity rapidly grew, gathering a great amount of followers from places where they’ve been passing by. With such multi-cultural and international background, Vagabundos developed a unique style, bringing together a mixture of rhythms like Funk, Reggae, Ska, Latin Jazz and Rock. In March 2015, they released their first EP, entitled ‘Never Beg A Beggar’, featuring important local artists like Peter Boone, Alex Dardenne and Lizzy De Schutter. With the success of their disc, they have performed in over 100 concerts along the year 2015 and 2016, touring all over Belgium and overseas, in countries like UK and Brazil. They have already gathered thousands of fans, making appearances in stages of great expression in Belgium like Copacobana Festival, Gentse Feesten, Na Fir Bolg, Bal-a-Deuse, Kokopelli, etc.

In May 2017, Vagabundos released a full length album entitled 'Libido'. That show brought their best mixture of textures and sounds, from psychedelic moods to energetic dancing music. With the repercussion of Libido, Vagabundos went on touring extensively through the year of 2018, gathering thousands of new fans.

Currently working on their 3rd album, Vagabundos is preparing a new show for the 2019 summer season, with innovative elements and even more energy and ambience than before


Adam Wilson (Vocals): Scottish young talent, Adam has one of the most powerful and heart touching voices one could ever listen to. Touring the streets of UK from the age of 14, his charisma and energy during his performances brings Vagabundos music to another level.

Saulo Soneghet (Guitars): A staggering talent from the far shores of Brazil. You will not find a more gifted lead guitar player or creative riff-monger in this side of heaven. Saulo has been playing internationally for over 15 years, in countries like Belgium, UK, Spain, Portugal and Brazil, in a wide variety of projects. With vast experience in the industry he has worked as producer and session performer in groups with a vast multifariousness of influences, from Rock, Blues, Funk to Reggae, Bossa and Latin Jazz.

Chilli (Guitars): Expect incredible groovy guitar chops and fantastic mind blowing licks from Luke ‘Chilli’. From the streets of Cardiff to the world, he carries on his baggage lots roots reggae, rock and funk influences, with unmistakable style and energy.

Luna Boone (Sax): Also known as the ‘Saxy Fairy’, this extremely talented sax player is capable of charming the audience with her sweet and fast notes. With influences of Jazz and Funk and coming from a family of illustrious musicians, Luna has been studying music since very young age, which has made of her one of the greatest rising stars of Belgium.

Woodie (Bass): A natural performer, Woodie works as the backbone of the group, offering a solid foundation to Vagabundos, with the bonus of creative flourishes of musical genius. It’s just impossible not to shake your hips with his moving funky bass lines, influenced by great names like Flea and Francis Rocco Prestia.

Geraard Buyck (Drums):

Groove, groove, groove, this is also Geraard's nickname. Born with the drumsticks in his hands, Geraard demonstrates impressive skills and solos that will blow you up to the roof. His beats are the perfect invitation to shakz your bones and dance. Styles range from rock, funk, reggae and latin jazz.




  • Adam Wilson

    • 29
    • Edinburgh (GB)


  • Saulo Soneghet

    • 43
    • Belo Horizonte (BR)


  • Luke 'Chilli Bundo'

    • 27
    • Cardiff (GB)


  • Luna Boone

    • 28
    • Gent (BE)


  • Woodie Bundo

    • 28
    • Gent (BE)


  • Simon Zweers

    • 29
    • Gent (BE)




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