The Fur

The Fur

The Fur is a trio of space cadets bringing instrumental psychedelic stonerrock.

    • Stoner
    • Psychedelic
    • Instrumental
    • Band


The Fur is an instrumental trio of space cadets from Belgium. Bringing music since spring 2011 ranging from 70's post/stoner to psychedelic rock.

Heavily influenced by the acid-ridden sixties and the heavy seventies, The Fur brings a show that takes the audience back to a time where music was a way of escaping. It's not about spreading a message, it's about spreading love, harmony and peace with sound, hence why it's instrumental.

What you may expect from a show of The Fur you ask? Big vintage amps, orignal sound, psychedelic visuals and 3 dudes having the time of their life. The Fur has invested a lot of time in fine-tuning their gear and doing everything DIY-style to a point where The Fur handprinted their merch and built their own amps.

You really have to come to a live show to experience what it's all about.

Debut album out now!

Check it out on




  • Elias

    • 32
    • Evergem (BE)


  • Jens Hugo

    • 32
    • Evergem (BE)


  • Benny

    • 37
    • Gent (BE)



  • Music City /w Bone Man + Wheel of Smoke

    Antwerpen (BE)

  • Kinky Star Club /w Bone Man

    Gent (BE)

  • Guerilla Gentse Feesten Gig

    Gent (BE)

  • Kinky Star Club

    Gent (BE)

  • Cirque Constance Café

    Kaprijke (BE)


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