Mimi Waterfall

Mimi Waterfall

aka GODDESS IN THE FLESH aka THE ORIGINAL BANTU PRINCESS. The reminder to your divinity.

    • Afrobeats
    • Neo-soul
    • Afro-soul
    • DJ
    • Band
  • Antwerpen-Stad


Mimi Waterfall is an Afro-soul artist from Belgium. Her music is deeply personal and introspective, exploring themes of self-discovery, personal growth, and owning one's identity.

Drawing inspiration from life’s patterns and lessons, Mimi Waterfall creates music that is both soulful and thought-provoking. Her lyrics are poetic and relatable, touching on universal experiences that connect listeners to their emotions and experiences. Through her music Mimi Waterfall invokes the listener to connect back to their own divinity. With a distinct and straightforward sound, Mimi Waterfall has gained a following of fans who appreciate her honesty and vulnerability. Her music is a testament to the power of self- expression and the importance of owning one's identity.

According to the artist, the power of words and self-affirmation are essential stepping stones for growth and a better understanding of oneself in today's world.

As Mimi Waterfall continues to evolve as an artist, she remains committed to creating music that speaks to the heart of the human experience.




  • Mimi Waterfall

    • 31
    • Antwerpen (BE)


  • Victor Pauwels

    • 24
    • Antwerpen, België


  • Simon De Rover

    • 25
    • Antwerpen, België


  • Maurice De Clerck

    • 24
    • Gent, België


  • Lorenzo Kobina

    • 24
    • Antwerpen, België

    Toetsen - Bas



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