od'us collective
Founded 5 years ago in the 'old house', od'us collective has been a hub of creativity and collaboration.
Founded 5 years ago in the 'old house', od'us collective has been a hub of creativity and collaboration.
It's where we gathered, and still gather, almost daily to play music, share ideas, and nurture our passion for the arts. From these humble beginnings, we formed a cultural association with a mission to provide opportunities for young talent and cultivate a thriving local music scene.
At od'us collective, our focus is on quality over quantity, experience over economics. We believe in curating a festival that celebrates the richness of music and prioritizes the magic of live performances.

od'us festival 2025 zkt live act
Open de live stage van od'us festival 2025
Deadline over 3 dagen

Od'us Festival DJ Contest
Open de mainstage van od'us Festival 2025