Jonas Meersmans

Jonas Meersmans

Fingerpicking guitar music with FX and loops

    • Indie
    • Traditioneel
    • Instrumental
    • Solo
  • Antwerpen-Stad


Jonas Meersmans makes instrumental landscapes on guitar. He released 2 albums with music for acoustic guitar, strings and wind instruments, which were warmly received by the Belgian and Dutch press. His music has been heard on Radio Klara, he wrote the soundtrack for several short films including the award-winning film debut 'Broeders' by Adil El Arbi and Bilall Fallah and has collaborated with various theater companies. In 2020 he wrote the opening track for a compilation album on the American Tompkins Square label. In November 2024, his new album with instrumental compositions for guitar, violin and double bass will be released on the Belgian jazz label Werf Records with Tim Vanhamel as producer. Jonas is also a guitarist with Stef Kamil Carlens, and with sitar player Nicolas Mortelmans on his new album tour. In the past he released 5 albums with the instrumental quartet Codasync.




  • Jonas Meersmans

    • 37
    • Antwerpen (BE)




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