Franco Champs

Franco Champs

Na een metaforisch ongeluk op de snelweg ontstaat Franco Champs. Zondagsrock met een nostalgische knipoog naar de jaren 90.

    • Britpop
    • Indie Pop
    • Alternative
    • Indie
    • Band
  • Aarschot


'Oh, it’s a crash...’

After a car accident on a Belgian highway, singer-songwriter Ruben Brems decided to stop killing time and work on a new project called Franco Champs. Recruiting befriended musicians to form a Belgian underground ‘superband’.

Driven by the spirit of a lazy Sunday, the five-some jokes around with slacker rock and jangle pop, with a nostalgic wink towards the sound of late 90s alt-rock. All this while writing in an always honest and delicate manner.

In true spirit of ‘the crash’, demo album ‘Faster Than Ever’ was released early on May 29th 2024 by accident. The album was written and recorded at home in late ’22 during a period of time when I was laid off and had a lot of time on my hands. These songs form the blueprint of what is now known as ‘Franco Champs’.



  • Cédric Tielemans

    • 26
    • Aarschot, België


  • Daan Michiels

    • 27
    • Aarschot, België


  • Nick Caers

    • 27
    • Hoeselt, België


  • Tim Leenards

    • 29
    • 3540 Herk-de-Stad, België

    Percussie - Stem - Toetsen - Gitaar

  • Ruben Brems

    • 26
    • Aarschot, België

    Gitaar - Stem



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