Elias D'hooge Trio

Elias D'hooge Trio

With our trio, we'd like to tell our own unique story with original compositions that are rooted in stories, dreams and great inspirations.

    • Jazz
    • Band
  • Gent


This trio likes to tell their own unique story with original compositions that are rooted in emotions, dream and memories. Engaging in a dynamic dialogue among themselves, their inner selves, and the audience, the music undergoes continual transformation, shaping itself to the ebb and flow of the conversation. The music’s transformation connects their story with the audience and vice-versa.

Their voice is raised in jazz tradition, later shaped with more modern concepts of improvisation and classical music, translated in compositions fitting the atmosphere of the story.




  • Elias D'hooge

    • 24
    • Ghent (BE)

    Toetsen - Piano

  • Zjef Van Steenbergen

    • 29
    • Gent (BE)


  • Tom Peeters

    • 28
    • Gent (BE)



  • Elias D'hooge Trio - Live@BrasovJazz&BluesFestival

    Brașov, Roemenië

  • Elias D'hooge Trio Live@BananaPeel

    8755 Ruiselede, België

  • Elias D'hooge Trio Live@JazzHoeilaart

    Hoeilaart, België

  • Elias D'hooge Trio - Live@GetxoJazzFestival

    Getxo, Biskaje, Spanje

  • Elias D'hooge Trio - Live@DenHannekesnest

    9940 Evergem, België

  • Elias D'hooge Trio - Live@KaffeeDamast

    Kortrijk, België

  • Elias D'hooge Trio - Live@Tinnenpot [1]

    Gent, België

  • Elias D'hooge Trio - Live@AINSI

    Maastricht, Nederland


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