Crowd Of Chairs

Crowd Of Chairs

Insane pop-noise is a thing. A mixture of dark guitarwaves, battlefield drums and beastly screams. Headnodding. Footstomping. Fistpumping.

    • Noise
    • Insane Pop-Noise
    • Band


A newborn band from Ghent with members of Deer and Youff. a mixture of rough deep-blowing guitarwaves, loud hyperkinetic drums and careless yells combined with some kind of hypnotic singing. some say fist pumping others say pissed mumbling. we don’t really care.

A rough complex mind trip of old rusty chairs non-stop hitting your face. not an actual thing if you ask us. but it‘s the feeling we like to produce. again and again. until you feel nothing but happily ashamed. you might like to compare it with a fucked up mess in your head. but once a noisy thought enters, you can no longer ignore it. we’re not talking about real sounds. actually, we’re not talking about anything at all.



  • Benjamin Caes

    • 33
    • Gent (BE)

    Bas - Stem

  • Mitch Van Laecke

    • 33
    • Gent (BE)

    Gitaar - Stem

  • Manu Mahie

    • 33
    • Gent (BE)



  • Cul du sac - Incubate

    Tilburg (NL)

  • Sinksen

    Kortrijk (BE)

  • 10 Years Genthology, Video

    Gent (BE)

  • Nachtlawaai w/ Piquet

    Borgloon (BE)

  • Breedwerk 8710

    Wielsbeke (BE)


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