Beaten By Hippies

Beaten By Hippies

Here is a band that will keep rock n roll unpredictable, inspiring, dangerous and constantly moving forward, as it should be.

    • Stoner
    • Rock
    • Band
  • Duffel


Tired of Ed Sheeran, fed up with autotune? In search of some pure and stripped down rock n roll?

Here’s Beaten By Hippies!

Spoonfed on 90’s music this Belgian foursome came of age during the first stoner wave. Honing their craft and working towards brewing their own magical potion. Each bringing their own ingredients. A cup of 60 – 70’s hard rock, a pinch of 80’s glam and a zest of guilty pleasures.

With a sound that’s truly theirs, they prove that there’s more than meets the eye. Even though leather pants don’t look bad at all. Come and indulge in the feast that is this ferocious and powerful live unit as they feed on the energy emanating from the crowd. Bon Appétit!

This is what the press had to say:

“Met dit album mag Beaten By Hippies zich zonder schroom aanbieden bij de organisatoren van Desertfest en de grotere metalfestivals in Europa.”

“Beaten By Hippies debut album is a thrilling success on all levels and will appeal to just about everyone who is a fan of Hard Rock music in general. The album has something for everyone and that’s a very hard thing to pull off especially for your debut album. However, Beaten By Hippies have accomplished this by releasing a brilliantly entertaining album that demands your full attention”

“Hippies are on the loose, and this time they’ve abandoned their peace-loving ways! The dream was tried, the dream has died, and now they’re pissed and rockin’ ready to tell the world the naked truth”

“Formed during the first wave of the stoner rock revival, this Belgian band may well be responsible for kicking off a new second wave. It's bold, it's groovy, it's stoner rock with a sting!”

“Deze vierkoppige jonge band presenteert hier met verve hun debuut. Zoals gezegd strakke stoner rock in de stijl van Monster Magnet met een scheutje psychedelische invloeden er doorheen. Voor zo’n feestje zijn we altijd te vinden.

Gedurende tien songs weet Beaten By Hippies mij te boeien. De sound zit goed en de songs zitten slim in elkaar. Ze geven hier met hun debuut een meer dan geslaagd visitekaartje af”

“Eén ding is zeker: de vette rock ‘n roll van Beaten By Hippies blaast met gemak iedere hippie van zijn geitenwollen sokken! Who’s beating who now?”

“Beaten By Hippies brengt een zeer veelzijdige en kleurrijke stonerplaat uit, boordevol psychedelische elementen, die vanaf begin tot einde aan je ribben blijven kleven en waarop stilstaan bovendien onmogelijk is …..

…. zoveel uiteenlopende stijlbreuken en verwijzingen naar al even uiteenlopende genres en decennia dat de band hierdoor een heel ruim publiek aan stoner- en hardrockliefhebbers kan aanspreken”

“Take that as you will; even I can't tell how much my appraisal is playful or just purely cynical. Beaten by Hippies at least stay true to their word, and summon the sounds of their inspiration”

As heard on:

Obey The Riff / Atom Heart Mutha – Hard Rock Hell Radio / Fuzzville / Wake Up At The Other End Of The Universe – Radio Scorpio / The Whip / Bushwick Garage – Radio Free Brooklyn / More Fuzz Podcast / Stoner Rock Blog Hungary / Heavy dalga – Web Radio Show / This Is Only Rock radio




  • Bruno Jacobs

    • 39
    • Leuven (BE)


  • Stéphane Legat

    • 39
    • Leuven (BE)


  • Collin

    • 33
    • Zoersel (BE)


  • Stephane Verbeurgt

    • 43
    • Antwerp (BE)



  • Rock Café

    Leuven, België

  • Hangar 3020

    Herent, België

  • NDSM Theater (Amsterdam - NL)

    Amsterdam, Nederland

  • Kid's Rhythm and Blues - Preheat The Desert

  • Into The Desert (With Fire Down Below/Atomic Vulture/Deaf Cobra)


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