

Brugse Drummer met een passie voor elk genre waarbij de hoorapparaten best een niveau lager gezet worden.

  • Brugge


Mormel became interested in Drums when he first heard the song "All The Small Things" by Blink-182. His dad played it in the car and when Mormel came home, he immediately went to the family computer and looked up a video of a live performance of the song.

He thought: Man that drummer (Travis Barker) looks so cool! I wanna be as cool as him!

For 2 years he begged his parents for a drum kit and then on new years eve 2011 he finally got one!

Ever since then he has been the main cause of hearing damage in his neighbourhood. He first started a band in 2012 with some of his high school friends, but when they slowly lost interest in music to go study, Mormel kept on constantly forming new bands.

Mormel aims to understand as many genres, techniques and sounds as possible, but Punk will always have the deepest roots.


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