JAZMYN is Singer Songwritter based in Brussels, Her stye is a mix soul , Jazz, funk and Neo- Soul Always surrounded by her full live band

    • Soul
    • Neo-soul
    • Neo Soul
    • Solo
    • Band
  • Brussel-Stad


I give you two Bio ! ;)

The Brussels based artist JAZMYN, offers a one way ticket to a percussive universe, a combination of Jazz, Soul, Funk and RnB that will make you cry, laugh and dance.

Accompanied by her band, this singer with a smooth, just broken enough voice, delivers a unique performance, certifying a love of the stage and a sharp musical technique.

On the menu: nostalgia, authenticity and intimacy, all sprinkled with a good dose of uninhibited groove.

A true queen of jazzy harmonies, JAZMYN proclaims her joys, her sorrows and her doubts in all honesty, without filter or artifice.

Born and raised in Brussels, JAZMYN is singer songwriter whose music can be best described as a mix between Jazz, Soul, Rnb and a touch of Funk.

She studied vocals in London and Antwerp, perfecting there her own vocal style and discovering her love for the stage .

Featuring a full live band, she and her musiciens are bringing a powerful sound full of nostalgia and uniqueness.

Her love for instruments and jazz harmonies is noticeable in every song.

Sad an Joyful at the same time, her lyrics are always blunt and intimate.

Always sharing a full piece of herself, Jazmyn talks about mental health issues, depression, growth and lost love.


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