In 2022 besloten GAETVN en Boubacar om de handen in elkaar te slaan en samen een nummer te maken. Zo ontstond GLOBERZ, een jong Drum 'n Bass dj/producer-duo.

    • Drum & Bass
    • Producer
    • DJ
  • Gent


Introducing GLOBERZ, the newest drum and bass sensation on the scene! Consisting of two talented producers, this dynamic duo is taking the industry by storm with their fresh and unique sound. With infectious beats, powerful drops, and mind-bending melodies, GLOBERZ is sure to get your heart racing and feet moving. Whether you're a die-hard fan of drum and bass or simply looking for something new to add to your playlist, GLOBERZ is definitely worth checking out. So what are you waiting for? Plug in your headphones, turn up the volume, and let GLOBERZ take you on a musical journey like no other!



  • Robbe Nerinckx (Boubacar)

    • 24
    • Gent, België

    DJ - Elektronica

  • Gaëtan Bollaert (GAETVN)

    • 23
    • Gent, België

    DJ - Elektronica



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