DJ Caramel

DJ Caramel

Born from desire, nourished with sparkle, erected majestically

    • Tech House
    • Dance
    • Techno
    • Producer
    • DJ
  • Genk


It takes a lot of patience, dedication and hard work to reach and maintain a certain level of expertise and to stay at that level.

Perseverance fuelled by passion, ambition supported by talent, and love for music made it possible for me to walk the unforgiven path of a DJ. This adventure started as a hobby and grew into something more,

something much more than I can describe in a few words...

With everything I have done during my journey in life, I always aimed at the stars. Untill my last breath, this is how I will keep on living. This

philosophy rewarded me with various international awards in my current and previous carrier (and the one before that).

My creations are my way to appeal to the core of one’s soul. I aspire to create an experience.



  • Laura Hoogland

    • 37
    • 3520 Zonhoven, België



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