9 seconds to rome

9 seconds to rome

9 seconds to rome is een muzikaal duo bestaande uit Nele Dewaele, Belgische singer songwriter en de Italiaanse componist Walter Marantino

    • Soul
    • Indie
    • Dreampop
    • Solo
  • Mechelen


9 seconds to rome is a duo formed by singer-songwriter Nele Dewaele and composer Walter Marantino.

Their sound is influenced by different genres such as soul, jazz, hiphop and bossanova.

Nele and Walter started at the end of 2019 and after a couple of jam sessions they realized 9 seconds to rome was born.

2020 gave them the opportunity to work on their songs and soon they were ready to perform.

After a couple of singles they released their first ep ‘i like to watch the rain with you’ which was inspired by winter, followed by ‘imaginary lapse of season’, with a fresh summer breeze.

Their live performance is an acoustic intimate set but depending on the location some fix artists support them on stage.


2022 - I like to watch the rain with you ep

2022 - Momentary lapse of season ep

2022 - Open road (single)

2023 - You should have known (single)




  • Nele Dewaele

    • 33
    • Mechelen (BE)


  • Walter Marantino

    • 32
    • Mechelen (BE)

    Gitaar - Piano


  • Live @ Pop-up in't Park

    1785 Merchtem, België

  • Live at Geheel de uwe

    Gent, België

  • Live at C'Cube

    Brussel, België

  • Live at Geheel de uwe

    Gent, België

  • Live @ ccBinder (Puurs)

    Puurs-Sint-Amands, België


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