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Metal showcasefestival LM2S in Lille gecanceld

Metal showcasefestival LM2S in Lille gecanceld

Spijtig nieuws. Het eerste metal showcasefestival dat van 6 t/m 8 februari zou doorgaan, wordt door Lille Grand Palais geannuleerd.



In een officieel statement laat de organisatie het volgende weten:

“After several months of discussions and work on holding a forum dedicated to extreme music in Lille, the challenges, particularly logistical, were proving too great to achieve the objective set.

The Lille Grand Palais teams, who are organising the event, have therefore decided to cancel the L2MS - Lille Metal Music Showcase - originally scheduled for 6 to 8 February 2024.

We would particularly like to thank the Fédération des Musiques Métalliques, the UFF, See Tickets, La Plaine Images, the Orchestre d'Harmonie de Lille Fives and all the musicians and teams for their enthusiastic and constructive contributions, as well as all the people and organisations who took the time to work on this project.”

Prolight + Sound 2025 liggend
