Our Hate

Our Hate


    • Metal
    • Hardcore
    • Band


As from the late 2014, OUR HATE spill their guts aggressively and bring their music in a mix of (somewhere between) hardcore and metal. All members gained experience in previous bands from the Belgian hard scene (Hard Resistance, Crawlspace, Cooperate and Scarred

Mind). On stage, Our Hate promise an impact in many lobe by playing their music heavy, loud and intensive. They already got the honor to support bands like Contradiction (GER), Pro-Fé-Cia (USA), Eternal Fear (SWE), Crossplane (GER) and shared the stage with Herder (NL), The Charm The Fury (NL), Spoil Engine (BE), Exoto (BE), Diablo Blv (BE), Komah (BE), etc... (and the list is still growing).

In 2015, OUR HATE won the public award at the band contest for Antwerp Metal Fest. In that way they earned a spot on the bill and played the festival later that year together with PRO-PAIN, OBITUARY, DEEZ NUTS and others.

Meanwhile, 3 demo-songs were recorded and mid 2016 it was time to hit the studio again to record a complete album. Unfortunately, different situations have lead to a long year of frustrations and setback. But finally, on 9th September 2017, their first full length “Hate Will Prevail” was proudly presented.

These (meanwhile) 30 and 40 something year old seniors do not let it down at all, and are still eager to convince at every stage home and abroad! They are also working on a new album to be recorded at the end of 2018. A new videoclip is coming up and there are some shows planned in Belgium and Spain together with Vendetta FM (hardcore heroes from Murcia, Spain).




  • Lenny

    • 46
    • Man
    • Retie (BE)


  • Ibanez

    • 41
    • Man
    • Balen (BE)


  • Deef

    • 51
    • Man
    • Vorselaar (BE)


  • Dennis

    • 47
    • Man
    • Mol (BE)


  • Krikke

    • 55
    • Man
    • Lille (BE)



  • Moonlight Musichall

    Diest (BE)

  • Verlichte Geest

    Roeselare (BE)

  • BMU Club Fest IV

    Peer (BE)

  • Jugend Party

    Leopoldsburg (BE)

  • Metal 101

    Balen (BE)


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