Hidden Trails
Hidden Trails is a Belgian rock group formed by the rhythm section of the late and great Hypnos 69. "Instant Momentary Bliss" has been released on Elektrohasch.
Hidden Trails is a Belgian rock group that emerged during recording sessions at the W.A.R. Studio. In those sessions, the briljant rhythm section of Hypnos 69, a legendary psychedelic rock band, eventually teamed up with a new guitarist/vocalist. In 2016 they finished their debut LP "Instant Momentary Bliss" released on Elektrohasch Records (Germany).
"Vorig jaar was Flying Horseman uit België zonder twijfel de ontdekking op Wessummerbreeze. Dit jaar is dat het Belgische Hidden Trails zonder enige twijfel." (3VOOR12)
"Instant Momentary Bliss is a wonderful album with pop/dirty structures like The Beatles or The Rolling Stones, leaded by smooth vocals as Nick Drake and Bob Dylan but with kaleidoscopic passages into the world of Motorpsycho, progressive fields of Pink Floyd, realms of Jimi Hendrix, spacey Hawkwind trips and the '70's vibe of The Who." (The Temple)
"This great album deserves a lot of love – it's really something special. Hints of Pink Floyd atmospherics weave in and out of these alt-prog compositions, with an overall ambience that is very warm and beautifully welcoming. This bliss is not at all momentary. This is a magical record. Call it whatever you want: trippy, psych, experimental, alternative...whatever. Just grab a copy, your best set of headphones and get lost in it." (Stoned Meadow Of Doom)
Tom Vanlaer
- 44
- Man
- Diest (BE)
Elektronica - Bas
Dave Houtmeyers
- 44
- Man
- Diest (BE)
Drum - Elektronica
Jo Neyskens
- 43
- Man
- Diest (BE)
Elektronica - Gitaar - Stem
Hidden Trails @ JH De Zool (Houthalen-Helchteren)
Houthalen-Helchteren (BE)
Hidden Trails @ Den Hemel
Scherpenheuvel-Zichem (BE)
Hidden Trails @ Muziekodroom Hasselt
Hasselt (BE)
Hidden Trails @ PIKET. Diest
Diest (BE)
Hidden Trails @ Roadburn 2018
Tilburg (NL)
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